New exhibition: Anni and Josef Albers, Art and Life

Anni and Josef Albers, Art and Life

From September 10, 2021 to January 9, 2022, the Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris will be organizing a new exhibition devoted to Anni and Josef Albers, bringing together more than three hundred and fifty works representing the artistic evolution of the two artists.

An exciting exhibition

The Musée d'Art Moderne in Paris is honored to host the first exhibition in France dedicated to the couple formed by the two artists. The purpose of this exhibition is to show that this relationship filled with love and sharing of a common passion, art, has allowed them to support each other in a lasting and useful exchange. They not only produced work that is now considered the foundation of modernism, but also inspired a whole new generation of artists with their educational values.

The exhibition begins with two iconic works by the two artists, which directly demonstrate the powerful bonds between the couple. Then we have the works that follow in chronological order to trace their entire lives. A first collection is composed of all the work they did at the Bauhaus from 1920 to 1933. Then, a second part tells us about the couple's departure for the United States in 1933 to work at Black Mountain College. Many other sections will take you on a journey through the life of this artist couple. The exhibition ends with Anni's graphic work, which she began with Josef in the 1960s and which she continued until the end of her life.

An original point of the exhibition is a room based on their careers as teachers, which will allow you, thanks to incredible archival films, to put yourself in the role of students and follow a course led by the artist couple. A large number of documents (letters, photographs, postcards, etc.) will allow you to be at the heart of these classes and to learn more about the vision of art advocated by Anni Albers and Josef Albers.

A couple of artists

Anni Albers and Josef Albers met in 1922 at the Bauhaus and married three years later. They placed art directly at the center of their relationship because they believed that it could profoundly change our world and that it should be at the heart of human existence. Anni Albers testifies to her belief: "Works of art teach us what courage is. We must go where no one has gone before us.

The couple fights for the democratization of art and believes that everyone should be allowed the freedom to create because it plays a vital role in the education of each person. They show that art influences the personal development of each person and improves social relations. Anni and Josef are also teachers and teach their students the ability to think for themselves by showing them that everyone sees things differently. They do not want their students to learn lessons by heart as in the classical school system, but they push them to always question themselves. Josef Albers often said to his students: "Learn to see and feel life, cultivate your imagination, because there are still wonders in the world, because life is a mystery and will remain so. But let us be aware of it."